Legacy Blog from Sun Microsystems: https://blogs.oracle.com/dmular_itil/https://blogs.oracle.com/dmular_itil/
From time to time, I find an appreciation in the good philosophy, and the comedy in the misinterpreted attempts we make to become better. There is contrast, there is opportunity, there is immense possibility, if we can become the change we want to see in the world. The interesting mix of Sun Tzu for success and ITIL for strategy could make for a fine Inspired ITIL Practice.
Now is the perfect time to embrace our capabilities, instead of celebrating our defense against defeat.
Recent observations of how to become our best IT Selves:
1. "Showing" our value versus "delivering" solutions requires 2 very different mindsets. Fear is overutilized as a tool for leveraging change in IT-- fear of downtime, dissatisfaction, down hill management blame, that stops at the bottom. IF the organization is feeling and acting complete at all points of delivery, the state is strong. If the organization is defectively defensive, they will be showing their value by misinformation, half truths, or ignorance of the opportunity. There IS opportunity in anything well worth doing.
- What in our PRESENT OPERATIONAL PRACTICE has us ignoring process, repeating errors, or producing half measures that weaken our effectiveness?
2. Don't tell me or fail to tell me, let us create our united purpose through deliberate, open and superior communications instead of defensive, impractical "reality television" elimination routines. We will create value, because suddenly our work is again about seeking that which allows us to empowered to inspire, to create, to deliver.
- Where has our IT Management Strategy continued Weakness moved us to producing metrics that defend our limitations, rather than evolve or transform our business to better meet requirements?
3. Taking the leadership initiative requires we embrace the circumstances which insure victory. Knowing our enemy and knowing ourself, requires an ability to look, listen, and assess what is real opportunity, and what level of alignment will help us to recognize that better state. Let us stop using language, inference, metrics, organizations, or excuses as a weapon, to embrace our larger purpose. Because it's always been done. Because we do x practice and yours sounds like y. A presumption of innocence or guilt, superiority, or weakness, unvalidated by statistics and good intelligence, practical strategy, with sound flexibility, creates a fair and harmonious relationship rooted in knowing the ground, knowing the advantage, and the terrain.
- What levels of performance must be working to meet the needs of our next business cycle?
- How will we know we are successful?
- How will we know if the data is complete enough to be adequate?
- What must change in out operational vision, to continue to evolve and innovate with the business?
- What is our approach for baselining the measure and process, and reviewing its ongoing operational efficiency?