One thing I would love to see possible is for Excel technology to integrate with Powerpoint. I heard Sharepoint is offering more graphic display capabilities, but I would love to see Excel and Powerpoint be able to integrate similar to how the "charting functionality works so you can create one common graphic for each row. You would design the "box" size for each element, then a graphic element similar to charting for X/Y axis labeling, and then simply a shape element for each defined cell.
In this my dream solution,
- 2 graphics would be created for each row on the spreadsheet, labeled by NAME (column a) of owner and GROUP (column b) they represent.
- The Yellow background would be assigned to the container box representing project planning (columns c-e) he dark blue background (columns f-h) presented total project implementations
- with the light blue dial representing the total number of solutions delivered,
- the tiny green oval representing the target, and a blue "dial representing the % of the solution complete.
Here are some new features in Microsoft Office I enjoyed for Data Display Techniques:
- Excel: Bubble Chart using an add in you can create bubble charts of 3 data series.
- Excel>Sharepoint Dashboard data data is created in Excel, and displayed in Sharepoint. offers interactive data filtering that once selected, refresh the charted data. Use of Excel Pivot Table and Excel Data Table.
- Excel Conditional Formatting techniques, allows you to apply formatting to columns to highlight the top/bottom ranges of data with conditional formatting so its easy to read top, middle, or bottom range, add icons or bars to view the data graphically within the spreadsheet.
- Add, change, or clear conditional formats
- Manage conditional formatting rule precedence
- Find cells that have conditional formats